Why Curbing Kleptocracy is Essential to Global Security, Sarah Chayes
Breaking the Wall of Corruption Corruption is often thought of as a collection of individual venalities: a politician with a weakness for Rolex watches, an underpaid cop who looks the other way in exchange for some waddedup bills. This image underestimates the dimensions of todays problem. Public corruption scandals now routinely feature billiondollar sums. Far from the work of individual wrongdoers, they constitute the operating system of sophisticated networks weaving together public officials, captains of industry, and outandout criminals. Indignant populations rise up in outrage, sparking revolutions, such as those that swept through the Arab world and Ukraine, or mass protests that have toppled governments from Brazil to South Korea. Some victims join extremist insurgencies that promise a purified government. Starting with a decade on the ground in Afghanistan, Carnegie Endowment Senior Fellow Sarah Chayes has experienced, developed policy towards, and researched some of the most corrupt coun