Penn 114 electric reel
As per my previous videos. 1 st attempt was a penn 49, worked well, but had insufficient clutch. 2nd attempt was a penn 6, 0, outperformed the 49, but the bushes on the drum were a problem. 3rd attempt was a penn 114H. This has ball bearings, and a better suited gear ratio. Eventually made 3 of these and used them extensively. The above attempts were with s, s components, which left the electrical switches exposed to the elements, consequently suffered the environmental degredation. (RUST). 4th attempt, using 3d printed ABS, switches are now protected from the environment, and reels can be hosed down. The electric motor was painted with spray on silicon based paint. (again protection from the elements) The motors were wired out, ie the ground connection with the motor casing broken, and a wire soldered to the connection in the motor itself. (Stops you being electrocuted when you touch the reel. Only 12 volt, so you wont die) I have used them on 2 outings so far, and so far work well. Th