Out Takes, Cuts From Cp 681 King Fisher, Actor Dog, Pub Dog, Stray Dog And String Painter (1968)
Cuts (rushes, out takes) for stories in Colour Pictorial CP 681. The original stories are on Pathe Master PM0433. Cuts for story KING FISHER in CP 681. Similar footage to cut story showing champion angler Ray Mumford fishing by the River Thames at Teddington. A different sequence shows Ray setting off from his block of flats and walking across the car park of Norbiton Station; M, S of the Norbiton Station sign. More shots of Ray at home making his floats. Cuts for story ACTOR DOG in CP 681. Mostly similar footage to cut story about actor dog Radar, seen in a makebelieve robbery story The briefcase man is seen holding the gun to the robber he keeps forgetting to put his hands in the air. Several shots show the robber taking off his stocking (from his head) and patting the dog, while a blonde lady appears, presumably Radar s owner. Radar seems to be overacting somewhat while biting the robber s arm he shakes his head ferociously Radar is seen running hither and thither, and several shot