THE DANCE OF TIME by Michael Menes
I first performed this piece in 1990 at the Philadelphia Jugglers Convention. Two years later I took it to Barcelona for the Summer Olympic Games (The International Arts Festival) in a show with many great variety artists including Natalie and Francis Brunn. After the swinging clubs I used eventually gave out and cracked from the percussion, they were discontinued by the prop builder. I retired the Almost two decades later friends urged me to bring the number Finally, just this year, I discovered Brian Dubé had begun making a very similar club for illuminated swinging. Here is a studio edit of the The Dance of Time. For those wondering, the music is a very rare recording of Pieces of Eight by Neil Peart, the extraordinary drummer from the Canadian rock band RUSH. It was only published on a thin flexible plastic sheet (turntable technology) inside an issue of Modern Drummer Magazine back in the 1970 s. Visit: