How to host your website for free
Make sure your homepage file is named or else it s not going to work Hosting a website used to be complicated, and at times expensive. Luckily, we have some solutions that are both easy to use and free now Github pages: Netlify: Both GitHub pages and Netlify give us free hosting solutions for static websites. By static, I mean using HTML, CSS, and JS, but no databases and all that fun stuff, so if you re looking to host a WordPress site, this won t work. But just because it doesn t work for WordPress doesn t mean we re super limited either Both work with static site generators like Jekyll, Hugo and others, and Netlify even has a CMS that you can set up with your static site generator. I host my site with Netlify, and usin. .., KevinPowell, tutorial, html, css, hosting, websitehost, websitehosting, freewebhost, freehost 20180926 9RfU6KGNkfE