10 Ways To Make WWE 2 K22 A Good Game
10 Ways To Make WWE 2K22 A Good Game. 2K announced WWE 2K22 and here is my wishlist. 2K recently officially announced the newest wrestling video game, WWE 2K22. I dont usually make videos about WWE games, but as almost every wrestling fan, I love playing them. This also seems like an interesting video. Heres a fun fact as well. Its the old school WWE games YouTubers like Tubby Emu, ItsMyYard, CMPuls3 and Tony The Pizza Guy that got me into YouTube. I used to binge their content and because of that, it was always my plan to become a wrestling video game YouTuber. But then those plans changed over the course of the last six years. Im actually glad that they did though. After 2Ks last game, there is no way I would want a working partnership with the developers. I would have to act fake and pretend like their games are good, when that isnt the face. Id rather be true to myself and tell you how I feel instead of reading some sponsorship script. br, br,