La Turbie Unique Medieval Village Near Monaco, French Riviera, Côte d Azur 4 K Walk
The village of La Turbie dominates the principality of Monaco by 500 meters, offering spectacular views. This charming village with its medieval streets is especially known for its rare ancient monument: the Trophy of the Alps, built during the reign of Augustus. The Trophée d Auguste was built in the year 6 B. C. in honor of Octavian who had conquered the Alps. It was built in the continuity of a sanctuary dedicated to Heracles Monoikos (who gave his name to Monaco), on the border between Gaul and Italy in order to mark the power of Rome and the unity of the empire. Located on the Julia Augusta way, the place where the Trophy was built was carefully chosen, on a great height to be seen from many miles away. On the heights, the panorama is magnificent. It embraces the French Riviera and extends from the Esterel to the Italian coast. Location: La Turbie (06) France Date recorded: Friday, September 16th, 2022 at 3. 30AM Weather: 25 C, 77 F , 12