Zepp La Rouche Offers a Strategy to Reverse the Systemic Economic Collapse Underway
For more than fifty years, Lyndon LaRouche was virtually alone in forecasting the disastrous results which were inevitable should the financial and corporate establishment impose a postindustrial, neoliberal speculative system to replace FDR s Bretton Woods system. He organized for an alternative based on the American system of physical economy, for the benefit not of the private financial interests of the City of London and Wall St. , but for all sovereign nations. If this alternative is not adopted, he warned, we will face a future of economic breakdown and permanent warfare. Listen to Helga ZeppLaRouche s appeal for an emergency conference, to finally adopt the approach specified by her husband, going back to at least 1971. Helga ZeppLaRouche Call for Emergency Conference to address systemic collapse: Lyndon LaRouche s Four Laws: