VERIFIED Hard Machine My Hardest by komp
Countless verifiers and 7 years in the making, Komp and Nikro s collab has finally hit the servers. And yes, it s harder than ICDX. Instead of the typical analysis, I m going to tell a story. It starts in February. I see a host of a megacollab I m set to verify begin talks with Nikro. As this level looked really good for my skillset, it seemed within a reasonable range from looks, and because I knew that people were trying this same level in 2017, I was confident I could do it in a week. So, after seeing this level dead for years, I decided to try my chances and ask this person to bring up the idea of letting me verify the level. A few months later, Luqualizer (my man ) recommended me again once Dual dropped the level. It was that day that Komp decided to let me have a go, it was happening. One of the first things I learnt was that I was not allowed to touch the difficulty of the level at all. I had no idea of this condition going into the verification, so when I heard this I felt a little sad, part of why I