Take a banana and cocoa and make a delicious dessert No sugar No oven
Take a banana and cocoa and make a delicious dessert No sugar No oven Translations are available for all languages. Please enable subtitles in the settings. Please watch the video without rewinding to avoid missing details Welcome to the Jasmine Desserts YouTube channel, where we bring you the most delicious desserts to satisfy your cravings. Recipe and ingredients: 1 banana 100 grams coconut shavings 2 tablespoons cocoa 2 tablespoons honey 80 grams chocolate coconut and pistachios for decoration Friends, if you liked this video, you can help develop the channel: Rate the video I will be very happy and help the development of the channel. WRITE A COMMENT or ask me a question about the recipe. I will be more than happy to answer you. You can also share this video with your friends on social media to let them know what dish you want to make next.