Rhinoplasty ( Nose Job), Step by step
Nose surgery or rhinoplasty is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. This procedure can help the patient to correct a structural deformity or a functional problem such as: Reduce or increase the size of the nose Correct the asymmetry of the nostrils Straighten the curvature of the nasal bridge Lift the tip of the nose Change the angle between the nose and upper lip Correct a birth defect or injury Relieve respiratory problems due to deviated septum People who wish to have this surgery must be over 15 years of age, since this procedure can only be performed after the nose has reached its full development. It is not advisable for pregnant or lactating women, nor for people with coagulation and cardiovascular problems. The surgical procedure can last from 2 to 4 hours approximately. For a correct evaluation of the patient, the nose will be photographed PREVIOUS to the surgery, in 8 different angles and the appearance the nose will have after surgery will be show