The Aftermath of CHOP in Seattle, Canary in a Coal Mine S2 Ep8, NRN+
Canary in a Coal Mine, NRN+ Original Series. Ari Hoffman of Seattle, Washington warns America on the dangerous path that Seattle politicians have taken, to prevent Seattle from becoming a blueprint for the country. CHOP is no more, at least for the time being. Hear what it was like after the cleanup when it was completely empty. The Black Lives Matter movement participates in a Day of Rage against the Jewish state. My interviews with people at the event. I interview Bellevue Deputy Mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis about how the city next door to Seattle dealt with the riots. Sacha Baron Cohen was in Washington pulling one of his stunts and I discuss what the real problem was. Aired July 3, 2020. Watch on NRN+ Subscribe on Youtube Join RIGHT NOW Newsletter Connect on all social media id483238602, newrightnetwork