Full IL 2 1946 mission: 109s in Tough Battle of Britain Dogfight
Kyle, 1, Tony, 2, Killerfliege, 13, Momo, 14, Fishyyy, 15 and Marcom, 16 fly Heinkel escort in their 109 Es during the Battle of Britain. It s a hard fight over the Isle. , ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, , Highlights, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, , (K indicates an attack by Kyle, T one by Tony, Ki one by Killerfliege, M one by Momo, F one by Fishyyy and Ma one by Marcom. ) 01:19 Takeoffs 18:37 Engagement begins 19:18 Tony passes Hurricane 19:32 K1 19:47 T1 20:02 F1 20:06 Ki1 20:26 M1 20:30 Tony under fire 20:59 M2 21:07 Ki2 21:22