Fredo Bang Negotiates 75 K Pendant for BFB Da Packman Talks to Lil Yachty at Icebox
Fredo Bang is back at Icebox This time, Fredo does some negotiating for his good friend, BFB Da Packman, on a new, custom pendant for Packman During this visit, Fredo Bang FaceTimes with Lil Yachty runs into Jayda Youngan at Icebox Make sure to watch the full episode and comment below AS ALWAYS, THANK YOU FOR WATCHING SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR OUR WEEKLY VIDEOS WANT MORE ICEBOX CONTENT Instagram TikTok Twitter Facebook Pinterest SHOP OUR WEBSITE HERE Icebox Diamonds Watches 3255 Peachtree Road NE Suite, 2 Atlanta, GA 30305, FredoBang, BFBDaPackman, LilYachty