The Route of Jesuss Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem: Mount of Olives Lions Gate Old City
The Route of Jesus s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem: From the Mount of Olives to the Lions Gate, through the Old City. Follow the path believed to have been taken by Jesus during his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, commemorated annually on Palm Sunday. Experience the historic journey and immerse yourself in the significance of this sacred route. Palm Sunday is the Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Christ s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels. Its name originates from the palm branches waved by the crowd to greet and honor Jesus as he entered the city. Spring, 11AM, 22C, Thank You Very Much for Your Support: 1. YouTube: 2. PayPal: 3. Сoffee: