Tying A Thunder Lightning Dark No Body Tube Fly
We are tying a thunder lightning dark no body tube fly variant of the classic Thunder Lightning. This fly would be perfect with yellow or orange junction tube on your leader knot and hook for a free swinging hook set up. Or you can dress the liner tube with the traditional yellow butt, black body, gold or copper rib and orange body hackle. Video and music by Jay Bartlett Material list and tying step time codes below. Get the tying kit here Read the SBS article here Materials tools from Future Fly available at 00:15 FF 1. 8mm Plastic Tube 00:22 6mm Hybrid Cone Copper 00:42 GSP Tying Thread 12, 0 50D White 00:57 N. American Opossum Pelt Em Claret 03:02 Rooster Cape Black 04:18 Tanuki Pahtagorva 05:16 Signature AH Em Purple 06:29 Signature Hen Saddle Grizzly Kingfisher Blue 07:45 Tanuki