Tower of Power Youre Still A Young Man Bass Sax Chuck Hansen
The only other time that a Bass Sax has played with Tower of Power, was when TOP alum and SNL Musical Director, Lenny Pickett, played Bass Sax with the band. For only the second time in the band s history, Californianative, Chuck Hansen, adds his Selmer Bass Saxophone to TOP classic, You re Still A Young Man. Watch Doc and Chuck play Bari and Bass on the eighthnote pops. The first time Doc played Bari and Chuck played Bass, together, was on Doc s most recent CD, Bumped Up To First Class, coproduced by Doc, Chuck, and TOP alum, Jeff Tamelier. After all these years of playing, Doc deserves his own stunt double Artists include Emilio Castillo, Stephen Doc Kupka, David Garibaldi, Francis Rocco Prestia, Larry Braggs, Jeff Tamelier, Tom E. Politzer, Roger Smith, Mic Gillette, and Aldolfo Acosta