trailer Kanojo no Jinsei wa Machigai Janai Movie 2017
Kanojo no Jinsei wa Machigai Janai; Her Life is Not at Fault; Side Job Japanese Movie 2017 Release Date: July 15, 2017 Genre: Drama, Family, Based on Novel Plot: Miyuki (Kumi Takiuchi) works at the Fukushima City Hall. She lost her mother to 2011 tsunami and now lives with her father (Ken Mitsuishi) at a temporary house. On the weekends, Miyuki travels to Shibuya, Tokyo by express bus and works there as a prostitute. Casts: Kumi Takiuchi Ken Mitsuishi Kengo Kora Tokio Emoto Masahiro Toda Tamae Ando Kazuki Namioka Misako Renbutsu Ena Koshino Atsushi Shinohara Shuri