A Big Warning To Every Flowerhorn Fish Owner, , Flowerhorn Feeding Mistake
, BlistersOnFlowerhornHead, ,BlistersBurstOnFlowerhornHead Friends, ever seen a Flowerhorn like this BLUE AQUATICS prays that no flowerhorn should meet this stage in his life. See the bubbles on the head of the flowerhorn. one by one getting burst as well. Do you know why do these bubbles come As per the Virjo owner, they were feeding boiled shrimp, mealworm, frozen worm three days a week, and for the other days, Okiko Platinum three meals a day. Each meal contains 11 pellets. So due to this, now all can see the condition of this flowerhorn. Thanks for watching this video. I hope you got good information about flowerhorn feeding. For watching more informative videos, subscribe to my channel BLUE AQUATICS and ring the bell. So you never miss any major updates. Happy Flowerhorn Keeping everyone. Thanks Blue Aquatics