kpop songs that sound EXPENSIVE
0:00 oneus same scent 0:22 red velvet wildside 0:45 monsta x shownu x hyungwon roll with me 1:08 astro blue flame 1:31 apink dilemma 1:50 seulgi 28 reasons 2:08 jonghyun moon 2:27 the boyz 흔적 (scar) 2:47 ive 섬찟 (hypnosis) 3:08 bangchan, hyunjin 강박 (red lights) 3:26 got the beat 가시 (rose) 3:44 kim wooseok 적월 (赤月) (red moon) 4:03 taemin thirsty 4:19 superm no manners 4:35 hoshi spider 4:59 woodz feel like 5:17 wayv 黑夜日出 (yeah yeah yeah) 5:35 cix what you wanted 5:54 exo diamond 6:09 baekhyun un village 6:31 kai say you love me 6:49 sf9 tear drop 7:09 pentagon feelin like 7:28 exo artificial love 7:45 sf9 gentleman 8:01 nuest bet bet 8:26 got7 니가 부르는 나의 이름 (you calling my name) 8:52 seventeen (hiphop tea