TIGR Armoured Vehicles Demonstration at the Shop Floor. Part 2
Part 2: Modifications of TIGR VPK233136 Basic Version This is the second part of the online demonstration of the TIGR family of armoured vehicles made at the manufacturing facility. Here is the link to Part 1 of the demonstration devoted to the basic version of the TIGR armoured vehicle: The family of TIGR armoured vehicles includes a big assortment of multipurpose vehicles that can be used in different situations for a variety of missions including patrol, convoy, fire support, search and rescue, etc. They combine such features as good protection, high mobility, outstanding crosscountry performance that ensure safe and quick transportation of personnel, VIPs, cargoes and equipment. In this video we show you how versatile the TIGR can be, how customized both in terms of interior and exterior, how the vehicle can be modified to meet even most demanding needs of the customer. We demonstrate a specialpurpose Raid configuration, TIGRBuggy and Medical vehi