Battle of Sagrajas, 1086 An ambush that almost stopped the Reconquista
Get 50 off on any purchase during Kamikoto s Holiday Sale with code HISTORYMARCHE. Go to to buy your Christmas gifts and help support the channel. Alfonso VI s steady expansion and incorporation of Taifas into his realm provoked a reaction from the Almoravids. Commanded by Yusuf ibn Tashfin, the Almoravid army met Alfonso force near Badajos. A victory for the Christians would break the last significant Muslim resistance and enable complete conquest of Iberia. A victory for the Muslims would stop and reverse the Reconquista. Support HistoryMarche on Patreon and get adfree early access to our videos for as little as 1: Big thanks to Srpske Bitke for their collaboration on this video: Narrated by David McCallion Research and writing: Damien Peters Sources: Abd alWahid