Perfectly Balanced Spot, NOT Broken
Description YES this was a Dumb Project, YES it is stupid, YES it s not very relatable to real 235AP ppl, but hopefully it gives u something to aim for in your progression and an idea of how broken Elvia truly is :) EXCEL LINK : , BlackDesert, SpotReview, BestGrindingSpots 00:00 01:16 Love you too :) 01:17 01:57 Class, Gear, Crystals 01:58 02:35 Screenshots 8h 02:36 05:57 Grinding, Boss, Elvia Weapons 05:58 11:38 Stonks per Hour 11:39 13:39 New Player Journey 13:40 14:16 Today vs 2 Months Ago 14:17 15:01 Blue VS Yellow LS Efficiency 15:02 15:18 Hi there Anna o7 15:19 16:15 Bbye Songs, Music StreamBebo Spring Vibes Arknights CodeOfBrawl OST longmenbar ht