Chinese Dragon Parade (1958)
Vancouver, Canada. M, S of a big sign attached to a building featuring a cockerel with Chop Suey written on it above a sign which says Sai Woo with Chinese writing underneath. M, S of another sign which is a big bowl with chopsticks and steam coming out of the top. It has Chop Suey written underneath and there is a sign with Sun Ah Hotel Roo and Chinese writing on it at the side. M, S of a sign which says Ding Ho Drive In, the sign is only partly visible and there is some other writing underneath, the word foods is visible. Above this are some rotating figures. M, S of a sign on a roof with two waiters carrying trays of food and drink. M, S of another chop suey sign on the side of a building. A man and a young child are looking out of a window next to it. L, S of a parade, two ladies dressed in red Chinese dresses and carrying a banner walk in front of a lady in a white polka dot dress and a drummer also dressed in red. A parade walks up the street and turns the corner where they st