Weather from Nibiru Planet X
Regards: Tony s Pure Systems: Somehow people tend to over exaggerate when it comes to predicting the End. So I say this I know Nibiru is coming but I don t believe we all going to die. And the earth will not stop turning. If Nibiru really gets close enough it would tilt the earth s pole shift. And the earth might even turn the other driection. That remains to be seen though. Update: 8, 11, 2020 Since then Nibiru has already passed between the Sun and Earth, but we could not spot it because it was showing the dark side as in the dark side of the moon. No reflection on the Sun because the Sun was behind it now in front like in 2008 I had the opportunity to take a picture of it behind the Sun it looked beautiful. I will never forget that it looks like a very bright cross elongated at the bottom. I said WOW I stood there while the Sun was going down. A most spectacular sight I ever did saw I must say. I was in NC at the time. See I told you so lol. No more Debunked ha