The Execution Of Mary Queen Of Scots The Queen Of Scotland
Mary Queen of Scots was executed on the 8th February 1587 inside the walls of Fotheringhay Castle. Her cousin Elizabeth I, the English Queen had signed her death warrant days before after Mary was condemned to death for treason and plotting to bring the overthrow of Elizabeth. Mary s execution did not go well, and it was botched as the executioner took more than one swing of his axe to perform the job. It was said Mary went to her death with solemnity and grace, but her final moments were horrific and ruthless. Following her execution, the executioner raised her head to the crowd but this also went wrong. After her death she was buried in a grave which was against her wishes in a religious service against her wishes, before she was exhumed and buried in a huge tomb in Westminster Abbey. Join us today as we look at, The Execution Of Mary Queen Of Scots The Queen Of To support our channel, please make sure to subscribe.