Blind Hex Revenant
Blind Hex Revenant (Live Footage) Happy New Year Everyone As a thank you to all our fans, Here s a clip from our debut show at the Teatro Metropólitan in Mexico City. We hope you enjoy it Huge thanks to Benja and Kimpy for putting this together A big thank you to Adrían Magaña, La Fraternidad, and TheWarning for the opportunity and their love Special thanks to: Felipe Gonzales Camarena, Lucio Morales Vicente, Erick Guzman Ruiz, Iván Morales, Andrés Fonseca Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Video by Black Halo Photography Directed by Benjamín Luna Iván Kimpy Guzmán Music and lyrics by Sharon Portilla Fede d Empaire Produced and Mixed by Fede d Empaire Mastered by Fede d Empaire