One Hit Wonder Emergences
Spacesynth, synthdance, spacedance, spacedisco, synthesizerdance or whatever you want to call it is instrumental upbeat synth music that focuses on melodies instead of rhythm. Driving basslines, catchy synth riffs, scifi influences and futuristic track titles and album covers have always been a major part of spacesynth. Spacesynth originated in the mid 80 s. At that time synthesizers and electronic sounds had become an essential part of popular music and were widely used by such artists as Vangelis, JeanMichel Jarre, Kraftwerk and Art of Noise. Synthpop hits like Magnetic Fields 2, Pulstar and Magic Fly are well known tracks even today. In the meantime in Italy a music style called Italo Disco was dominating discos. Basically Italo Disco consists of rather simple vocals, melodic synth riffs and a fourtofloor beat. It had that recognizable 80 s disco sound that people either love or hate these days.