vegan chilli cheese dogs poached tofu eggy breakfast, What I Ate In A Day
Hello friends Thanks for coming to support my first full length video back in almost a year In this delectable episode of What I Ate Wednesday, you get a peek into what my (food) life has been like during the pandorama featuring the poached version of my ever popular vegan egg banjos (aka fried egg sandwiches) and a very nourishing and incredibly indulgent vegan chilli cheese dog And as always, available printable recipes are linked below (just scroll down a bit). Please let me know what you think of the new style and, of course, I always welcome your suggestions. Hope you are well Love, Mary Become a channel member for early access to new videos LINKS Vegan Poached Tofu Eggy Sandwich Recipe (printable): Vegan Cheez Whiz Recipe (printable): SHOP MY FAVES AUDIBLE 30 DAY TRIAL + 2 FREE BOOKS: My recommendation: The Hate U Give by Angie T