Making Kururin: Rolling sticks (traditional and weighted fidget toy)
Two ways to make Kururin rolling sticks. The first one is the more traditional solid Maple. The second is weighted on the ends to give it a more gentle roll. The Kururin is as much a game of skill as it is a fidget toy. This project is highly recommended Just to clarify, the blue rolling stick at the beginning is different from the one shown in the later scenes. The second one is a refinement of the process after many tries. Its rolling action is incredibly smooth and balanced. Shoe, pad: the ideal tractionfoot seems to be the foam. Conveniently, it is also readily available. Rubber feels too hard, and thin silicone is too difficult to attach. I had also considered chamois and cork, but availability and expense were factors. Of the things we ve tried, hot glue works secondbest. A note on operation: a smooth roll requires a smooth surface and a smooth Kururin. Clean glass or granite are the best surfaces, and the stick should be wellsanded and oiled to reduce friction