WHY Thomas Müller is the worlds most underrated player, THE RAUMDEUTER
Thomas Müller is one of the most unique players in world football. Hes so special, they had to invent a position just for him: the Raumdeuter. Hes also one of the few footballers whos clearly not afraid to be himself. Just as his ponies. For all his goofball antics, and his hardtodefine style of play, plenty of people forget just how good he is. But the World Cup and Champions League winner isnt just one of modern footballs most unique attackers, hes clearly one of its best. Report by Thomas Lemmer Camera: Thomas Lemmer Editing: David Jacobi ـــــ DW Kick Off provides you with a unique glimpse into the game that has captivated millions of fans across the world. We explore football stories ranging from fan culture, great sporting moments, tactical analysis, and the politics behind the game. Subscribe and delve into the football world with DW Kick Off . subscribe: help us create subtitles: our channel: More football stori