How thick should EVA foam be for cosplay Cosplay Quick Tip Clip, Cosplay Apprentice
Cosplaying with EVA Foam is fun easy and inexpensive and if you are using the right EVA foam you can produce super high quality results even as a beginner. But, when starting off you may wonder what is the right kind of EVA foam to use and how thick should it be for the uses that you need. In this video I will give you tips on the best foam to use and the right thicknesses to get based on what you are making. Foam Floor Mats and Traditional Cosplay Foam Armor Base thickness for armor 6mm10mm Details 2mm, 4mm, 6mm and up if costume dictates W+F (What The Foam) Base Thickness for Armor 4mm or 6mm if the costume has a thicker look. Details 2mm, 4mm, 6mm Props Base 10mm and up Details all thicknesses depending on look. Please enjoy and let me know what Cosplay Questions you might have and I will answer them in a video on this channel Cosplay On, My Friend Here are links to the different foams I would recommend, if you buy some pl