K POP IN PUBLIC LE SSERAFIM 르세라핌 Eve, Psyche The Bluebeard s Wife Dance Cover by BLACKSTICK
Music: LE SSERAFIM Eve, Psyche The Bluebeards Wife We do not own the music Copyright by Source Music Support us and our work : Hello, everyone We are kpop cover dance team from Russia, SaintPetersburg. Here is our a cover LE SSERAFIM Eve, Psyche The Bluebeards Wife. We worked hard on this dance and we really hope you ll enjoy it Please, support this video Всем привет Мы русская кпоп кавер команда BLACKSTICK. Представляем вам наш новый кавер на LE SSERAFIM Eve, Psyche The Bluebeards Wife. Очень надеемся, что вам понравится Dancers: Chaewon Eliz (miluniza) Yunjin Alina (aimhana) Sakura Dina (wqdmsji) Kazuha Mari Eunchae Shinny(sashhiny) camera: edit: 4taekk Follow us on social media for regular updates, exclusive content and more. VK: Instagram: TikTok: , LESSERAFIM, 르세라핌, 이브프시케그리고푸른수염의아내, kpop, 커버댄스, Kpopinpublic, kpopinpublicrussia, onetake, yunjin, sakura, chaewon, kazuha, eunchae