Trash To Treasure Mayan Pyramid Casting Form Scrap Metal ASMR Metal Melting
Hey guys just thought a mixed metal stacked Mayan pyramid would look good on the shelves so thats todays project. ArtByAdrock was staying with me during this project and he did the same style just different metal layers his link below. Now if you want to buy a forge or a furnace be sure to email me at to get a personal code with a 5 discount. Today i noticed my Nordic Gold stack was tiny so thought i would simply make some more. RING WEB SITE 20 discount use code Dion20 (this code will last until 12, 25, 19) I have a post office address below in case anyone wants to send a letter or something and I really love letters. Just be sure to add your name online. D Heighway PO Box 7192 Eaton, WA 6232 Australia DISCLAIMER DO NOT TRY THIS AT