How Berserk inspired Dark Souls, A Tribute to Kentaro Miura
, berserk, darksouls, kentaromiura The manga of Berserk by Kentaro Miura was a revolutionary tale in the Dark Fantasy genre. It inspired many works such as Dark Souls. The connections between Dark Souls and Berserk are very aparent on the surface such as Artorias being based on Guts, Griffith and Gwyndolin, The pontiff beasts and the dark beast, and many more. Berserk teaches a lesson through Guts about the idea of a struggle and how to deal with hard times while Dark Souls lets us become the struggler and shows us that good things can lie at the end. In the passing of Kentaro Miura, I wanted to show the impact that Berserk had on me and how it shows us how to struggle onward and keep moving forward. Both of these changed my life in a great way and I m eternally greatful to Kentaro Miura for what he created. Music: Berserk OST, Dark Souls OST Film: Berserk, the Golden Age Arc br, br,