Heartbreaker Living Loving Maid The Band Geeks featuring Matt Beck
This is our cover of Heartbreaker Living Loving Maid from Led Zeppelin II. On these 2 songs, we re joined by special guest Matt Beck Ann Marie Nacchio Lead Vocals Matt Beck Guitar, Vocals Andy Graziano Guitar, Vocals Richie Castellano Bass, Vocals Andy Ascolese Drums Geek Speak: The drum set is a Roland TD11 triggering FXPansion BFD 3 using one of their Ludwig kits. The hihat is also triggering the shaker. Bass was recorded direct into a Vintech Preamp then using CLA Bass to get the overdrive. The guitars are both recorded direct and using Line 6 Helix for amp sims. The vocals are all recorded with Audio Technica microphones. We use Audio Technica headphones for monitoring. The MOTU 1248 gives us our own discrete mixes. We shot this using Zoom Q2n cameras. New cover photo by Dave Giordano , BandGeeks, ledzeppelincover, mattbeck