how to make Nomes EZ PZ Little Nightmares Clay Figure Tutorial
Hey guys Making these Nomes are super easy and don t take much time. I know many of you are still waiting on the Mono doll tutorial and don t worry, I m working on it :) I just got a new tripod so I am thinking or refilming the beginning of the tutorial because the clips that I have now, are kinda bad since I had a broken tripod. Please be patient with me as I am working on multiple things at once. I m making Six, and currently making, filming the mono tutorial. P. S There may be some spelling errors XD I made this tutorial as fast as I could so I didn t get to check it all 00 Anywho, if you have any suggestions on what else I should post, please leave it down below. I m thinking of making some wholesome small clips of Mono doing stuff, just like my tiktok vids. PSsstt Hey Follow me Oh Also I am sellin