Draco Hermione + Ron, , Treat You Better
please watch in HD and with headphones for the best experience Hei guys. I am sorry, I know this is the third time I ve posted this video but I kept having issues with the audio. I want to give a shoutout to Acciodraxo Malfoy s video: and DramioneTouch s video: because I got the idea of making this story by watching their videos. Hope you enjoy Story: Draco develops a crush on Hermione when he first sees her, but she seems to be taken by Ron. As the years pass, Draco keeps trying to convince Granger that he can treat her better but she doesn t see it that way. He is constantly jelous and in pain because he can t have the girl he loves even though he is there to comfort her everytime Ron screws up. Eventually, Hermione starts to realize Ron isn t a good match for her and starts getting closer to Draco. Ron and Draco fight over Hermione resulting in Ron getting attacked by Draco. After the fight Ron and Hermione make