I infringe the Copyright. Send message to: I will remove video. Thank you. . aaanD Live long Prosper. Max Dahlhaus and Kronom team up for Unizone on Trauma Tendrils with remixes from Domizako and IceEyes. Trauma Tendrils lands with all the diplomacy of blunt force trauma. Both veteran producers trawl the deepest and darkest recesses of their personal brands of dystopia, settling on a chaotic course of textured experimentalism and distorted broken rhythms. Its industrial techno that has dissected and reorganized its molecular structure. Tracks that simulate the experience of emerging from the primordial cyber cocoon. Caked in dirt, drenched in acid, mouth full of gristle. All thats left to do is tear the feeding tubes out of your stomach, punch a hole through the membrane of your prison, and rush the sentinels. Whats the worst that could happen On EP opener Frantic Solar, a corrosive melod