How to make a solar panel at home diy
Hey guys In this video i have shown how to make a photovoltaic solar panel with easily available ingredients. Materials used : 1) Copper Clad board, pcb board, copper sided board buy here 2) Etching solution of ferric chloride 3) ZnO or Zinc Oxide paste of 40 concentration 4) Clear Nail polish, epoxy resin 5) Sticker paper A4 size 6) Permanent marker pen any type works 7) Other tools like cuttter, xacto knife, hair dryer etc. I have bought the Zinc Oxide from my local dentist shop. Pcb board from online shop, also Ferric chloride from an electronic shop, hobby store locally. keywords : how to make solar panel at home, free energy 2022, solar, silicone, diy, solarchargecontroller