Liverpool fights the Tories 1985 Socialist Party video
Director: LezliAnn Barrett (director of Business as Usual) The Militantled Liverpool city council of 19831987 was the subject of vicious abuse. But the torrent of government and media lies, about finanical chaos or else financial irregularities were seen for the black propaganda that they were by the ordinary people of Liveropol. The Liverpool council s struggle against cuts and soaring rent and rate rises imposed by previous council regimes, following punative government cuts to the rate support grant in Merseyside, inspired an army of support to battle prime minister Margaret Thatcher and the Tory government in 19831987. The council, led by Militant Tendency supporters (now Socialist Party), refused to raise rents or rates to compensate for central government cuts, and demanded extra money, in order to build decent houses and other facilities for the working class men, women and hildren of the city. This film by Leslie Ann Barrett, shown at the Militant Rally 1985,