Type Script Pub, Sub Patterns ( No BS TS Series 2 Episode 2)
In this second episode of No BS TS series 2 we look at the Publish Subscribe pattern (or the Observer pattern as they call it in the book). This pattern allows you to loosen the coupling in your code and maximize reuse, all while making your code easier to understand. 00:00 Introduction 01:06 Architectural basics 01:36 Project setup 02:00 Class based pub, sub 06:00 Extending the base class 07:39 Function based pub, sub 09:07 DIY state manager 15:40 Handlers pattern 22:07 Outroduction No BS TS Book: Code: What s my theme Night Wolf black What s that font MonoLisa Jack is also on the React Round Up podcast: Don t forget to subscri. .., JackHerrington, NoBSTS, NoBSTSSeries2, Pub, Subdesignpattern, Pub, Subdesignpatterntypescript, Pub, Subpatternsintypescript, TypeScriptPub, SubPatterns, jackherrington, javascriptdesignpatterns, observerpatternjavascript 20210930 f3Cn0CGytSQ