Ave Maria no Morro Bossa Nova Guitar Lesson, 30: Advanced Rhythmic Phrase 4413
Bossa Nova Guitar Lesson, 30: Advanced Rhythmic Phrase 4413 in Ave Maria no Morro (Herivelto Martins) This version was inspired by João Gilberto s recordings from various concerts as well as by the one from album João. Please note that João played it in C which might be too low for some singers (the lowest note would be Eb), so this version is played in D instead. João didn t play the second part of the song and the chords for that part were transcribed from recordings made by Dalva de Oliveira and Herivelto Martins (Dalva usually sang it in E or F) The most of the song is played in legato which makes some chord changes challenging. Sometimes a short muting of the previous chord is needed to avoid the string buzz, e. g. in the transition from Gm7 to the next chord in 4413 phrase, the two lowest strings (E6 and A5) are muted with the side of the right hand thumb. Enjoy playing Ave Maria no Morro You may support the creation of bossa nova