キミノウィルス Rain PV
今も誰かを代わりに優しい嘘に守られる Composerykt Lyricキキヤマッシュフォールド GtSecret BaSecret DrSecret Translation Kristen Watts(English ver) sisiwon(中文版) Mixing EngineerTakashi Patch KitaguchiBAZOOKA STUDIO Director, Sound Arrangement Programming ICHIRO KAMIYAMA English ver ねぇさっきこの手は Hey girl, not so long ago 貴方の理想の話 This would ve been everything that you wanted 他の手を離してまたすぐに But then something caught your fancy, and you were leaving 悪い人ね Where s your humanity さっきまで合っていたこの手はまだオレンジ色で This hand you held out to me, it was still warm from the heat of another man こんな私にですら神業ね Hard to believe it was handed to me, a miracle, yeah 優しい嘘に Clinging to all of the lies 守られ縋ってみて Protected by the sweet veneer 今も同じこの手で Even now, I take my image of you, 他の貴方に Add a thick layer of glue, 想いを重ねては彩る I paste a p