Chilly Morning Welcomes Colorful Grosbeaks, Redpolls, and Chickadees At Ontario Feeders
Get a glimpse of some of the colorful boreal finches that visit the the Ontario FeederWatch cam in this highlight. In between pit stops from Blackcapped Chickadees, male Pine Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls dine on the feeder platform. You might very well see these two finch species at the feeder together. Tinybilled redpolls are known to scavenge opened seeds left behind by largerbilled birds, like grosbeaks. Watch online with highlight clips and information about the birds at Thanks to PerkyPet for helping to make the Ontario FeederWatch Cam possible Like the feeders you see Check out their selection at The FeederWatch cam is located in a residential neighborhood in Manitouwadge, Ontario. This northern site is an excellent location to see winter finches like redpolls and grosbeaks as well as two species of Jays and even Ruffed Grouse The feeders sit in the middle of a large backyard with a l