Haroon Mirza Jack Jelfs feat. GAIKA The Wave Epoch official albumlength video, ,,, ,,, , Incorporating music, poetry, incantation, archive and original video footage and homemade electronic instruments (including some built from discarded scientific equipment gifted by CERN), The Wave Epoch imagines a distant future in which the forgotten remains of the Large Hadron Collider have been rediscovered. How would a civilisation several thousand years from now interpret this vast circle carved into the landscape, with its miles of underground tunnels, cathedrallike spaces and forbiddingly complex machinery Taking this scenario as a starting point, the album and accompanying film are a visuallyled scifi exploration of truth and belief, matter and consciousness, ritual and practice, and of the human quest to find patterns and order amidst the endlessly shifting realities of experience. Originally conceived by artists Haroon Mirza and Jack Jelfs during their 2018 residency at CERN the largest par