James White destroys Papal Infallibility in seconds
Amazingly this Roman Catholic apologist also strongly implies that some popes may end up in hell. Dr. Robert Sungenis is one of the foremost Roman Catholic apologists and authors today. Classic Roman Catholicism has strongly condemned Protestant doctrine (especially justification by faith alone and good works only being the fruit of salvation) and taught that salvation cannot be found outside their church. And yet it s very common for Roman Catholics today to have very universalistic tendencies (like good atheists and Muslims being admitted into heaven). We see the inconsistency. How can we trust in the Roman Catholic Church if it s possible for a pope, the alleged Vicar of Christ to be an unbeliever, unsaved or heretical It s true that some popes have been guilty of heresy and evil atrocities (as Roman Catholic sources have admitted), but it s very convenient that the doctrine of Papal Infallibility has a very specific, strict definition that allows for this. The pope they re talking about was Honori