8+ Animal Idioms for Describing Personality
Today youll learn 8+ animal idioms for describing personality Visit for the simplest and most effective IELTS strategies. Recently, we brought you videos featuring vocabulary for describing animals, and also Speaking sample answers for that topic. While preparing those, I also thought of numerous idioms we use that include specific animals in them, and many of them highlight specific personality traits found in humans. As you may be aware, there is ample opportunity on the IELTS Speaking Exam for describing peoples personalities. In Part 1, you may be asked to talk about friends and family members, and, in Part 2, there are often cards that ask you describe various kinds of people, such as a person in the news, or a celebrity. So, without further ado, here are 5 animal idioms to use on your next exam Eye of the tiger very determined, very driven toward a specific goal, to the extent that they almost think of nothing else Pigheaded extremely stubborn Kind of a weasel s