Gruss an die Alpha Community. PRODUCED BY Johnny Illstrument x Absolute VIDEO BY Pascal Walterfang Mix: ThisisYT Master: ThisisYT Danger Music BOSSMODE PreWorkout Booster bald auf Hier schonmal eintragen: KOLLEGAH auf Instagram Folgen: FREE SPIRIT 2022 vampireempire suckin out our life force, knights of, the apocalypse, behold a white horse, child loss, lies spread like wild moss, let the wise lord, guide me on the right course, met the devil in his purest form, with his unique horns like unicorns, he offered me a deal to be a newly born, music star, i left him and his contract rudely torn, time to change the game like a skyrimmod, u cant block gods vengeance with a lightning rod, like nimrod, in his kingship, fighting god , thats the icing on the top, like himalayan rocks ,