09 09 24 12m investment for Canada Sikhs Sikh Exodus Sikh student death RSS legacy of hate
Angus Scott James Cousineau s European Canadian perspective on the big stories making the news relevant to the Sikh community. Today we cover: 00:00 Introduction 01:00 Canada to invest 12m+ in Sikh history culture 07:14 Sikh student killed in Edmonton 16:01 Sikhs fleeing Punjab to USA 38:17 RSSgenerated hatred division appearing across India 45:43 Your Comments , perspectives, jagmeetsingh, ndp, sikhexodus , India, worldnews, internationalnews, news, breakingnews, globalnews, headlinestoday, newsheadlines, uknews, satlujtv, satlujnetwork, satlujnews, punjab, punjabnews, punjabimedia, sikhnews, sikhdiaspora, sikhsinusa, akalidal, bjp, indiannationalcongress, sarbatkhalsa, akaltakhat, canada, sikhsincanada, humanrights, amnestyinternational, humanrights, politics, indianpolitics, worldpolitics , sikhstruggle Join us at: Website: YouTube: , satnetnews Facebook: